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My passion for this craft extends beyond the conventional

I bring a unique blend of storytelling prowess, marketing savvy, and a genuine passion for helping brands and individuals find their voice. With years of experience under my belt, I've mastered the art of crafting copy that resonates, engages, and converts.

Whether you're a small business, a bustling startup, or a solo entrepreneur, my services are designed to elevate your message and amplify your impact.

It’s about highlighting your strengths, showcasing your value, and making sure your audience not only hears you but feels compelled to join your journey.

Copy That Not Only Captures Attention, but Holds It.

this what im most passionate about

Inquire now

investment starts at $2500

Boring Sales Copy

ChatGPT Copywriting

3 Week Turnaround

Up to 5 Pages of Website Copy

90 Minute Strategy Call

Craft compelling, resonant copy that connects with your audience and drives conversions. Perfect for any business size, let's transform your message into impactful results.

Tailored Copywriting

NOW BOOKING Fall 2024 Clients

jamie l
freelance copywriter

Each session was a deep dive into the art and science of persuasive writing, packed with insights I hadn't found anywhere else. Gillian's feedback was gold—direct, constructive, and always enlightening. My confidence has skyrocketed, and so have my client conversions.

"This mastermind isn't just a course; it's a catalyst for real growth."

"Gillian Barker's mastermind exceeded all my expectations"

The blend of expert guidance, supportive community, and real-world application was exactly what I needed to elevate my craft. Since completing the program, I've not only landed more clients but also increased my rates confidently.


"The value I've received from Gillian's mastermind is immeasurable."

The community aspect was a game-changer for me, offering a space to share ideas and get feedback in a way that's both supportive and challenging. My approach to copy has been completely transformed, leading to more satisfying work and happier clients.


Inquire now

investment starts at $1500

Boring Sales Copy

Minor Website Copy Updates

Up to 6 Keyword-Rich Blog Posts

Up to 10 Instagram Captions

Monthly Strategy Call

Secure ongoing, top-notch copywriting support to keep your brand's messaging fresh, engaging, and effective. Ideal for steady growth and maintaining a cohesive brand voice.

Copywriting Retainer

Join the waitlist

Learn more

Boring Sales Copy

ChatGPT Copywriting

Access to industry insights and mentorship

Workshops to elevate your writing

Group Coaching

A community for aspiring and seasoned copywriters to learn, share, and grow together. Elevate your craft, network with peers, and advance your career.

The Copywriter's Society

mastermind opening in fall 2024

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Designed for entrepreneurs, business owners, and aspiring copywriters

Write to Connect Newsletter




MEET Gillian

Gilian Barker is a Portland, Oregon based storyteller and copywriter.