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This program combines high-end expertise with a warm, approachable community, offering a blend of strategic insights and genuine support. Here, you'll refine your skills in an environment that values quality and depth, guiding you to write with impact and connect on a deeper level with your audience.

The Copywriters Society

A Mastermind and Course for Aspiring copywriters

Does this sound like You?

You're passionate and driven, but the path to elevating your skills and business seems clouded


The lack of a supportive community leaves you questioning your every decision


Your copy feels flat, and your messages aren't converting.


But here's the truth: You're not wandering this path alone. At The Copywriters Society, we're not just observers of your journey; we're your companions, your cheerleaders, your mentors. We've felt the sting of overlooked drafts and the high of a perfectly turned phrase that resonates with an audience. We know the yearning for a community that not only speaks your language but uplifts your spirit and sharpens your skills.

You pour your heart into every sentence, yet the breakthrough you long for seems perpetually on the horizon

It’s Easy to Feel Lost in the Shuffle, Questioning if Your Words Will Ever Make the Impact You Dream Of

Image a fulfilling career that aligns with your deepest values, aspirations, and the life you envision for yourself—one where your work doesn't just exist but thrives and makes a difference. A career where recognition is abundant, and success is measured not just in client wins but in personal milestones and the joy of creation.

It's more than just honing your ability to craft compelling copy.

build a fulfilling career that aligns with your deepest values

jamie l
freelance copywriter

Each session was a deep dive into the art and science of persuasive writing, packed with insights I hadn't found anywhere else. Gillian's feedback was gold—direct, constructive, and always enlightening. My confidence has skyrocketed, and so have my client conversions.

"This mastermind isn't just a course; it's a catalyst for real growth."

"Gillian Barker's mastermind exceeded all my expectations"

The blend of expert guidance, supportive community, and real-world application was exactly what I needed to elevate my craft. Since completing the program, I've not only landed more clients but also increased my rates confidently.


"The value I've received from Gillian's mastermind is immeasurable."

The community aspect was a game-changer for me, offering a space to share ideas and get feedback in a way that's both supportive and challenging. My approach to copy has been completely transformed, leading to more satisfying work and happier clients.


Led by industry experts, our curriculum delves into the depths of persuasive copywriting and cutting-edge SEO strategies, laying down the foundation for your mastery over the craft.

But what sets us apart is the community you'll join—a network of ambitious copywriters committed to mutual growth and success. It's a place where feedback, collaboration, and support flow freely, ensuring you're not just learning but thriving.

It’s Time to Redefine Your Copywriting Career

we provide a transformative experience designed to elevate your copywriting from proficient to unparalleled.

With a strong emphasis on real-world application, you'll sharpen your skills on actual projects, benefiting from Gillian Barker's direct feedback and insights from peers.

This hands-on approach guarantees that what you learn isn't just theory but skills you can apply immediately, setting the stage for a career transformation that's both profound and practical.

where collaboration and support flow freely

jamie l
freelance copywriter

Each session was a deep dive into the art and science of persuasive writing, packed with insights I hadn't found anywhere else. Gillian's feedback was gold—direct, constructive, and always enlightening. My confidence has skyrocketed, and so have my client conversions.

"This mastermind isn't just a course; it's a catalyst for real growth."

"Gillian Barker's mastermind exceeded all my expectations"

The blend of expert guidance, supportive community, and real-world application was exactly what I needed to elevate my craft. Since completing the program, I've not only landed more clients but also increased my rates confidently.


"The value I've received from Gillian's mastermind is immeasurable."

The community aspect was a game-changer for me, offering a space to share ideas and get feedback in a way that's both supportive and challenging. My approach to copy has been completely transformed, leading to more satisfying work and happier clients.


Transition seamlessly from learning to doing with live projects that test your skills


Join a collaborative environment that will accelerate your growth.


Learn from the best as Gillian Barker herself provides direct feedback


What to Expect

Each module is packed with actionable insights, expert-led instruction, and opportunities for hands-on application, ensuring you not only learn but implement and master the strategies that will set you apart in the copywriting world. 

We cover everything from setting up your business, pricing your services, attracting your ideal clients, to scaling your operations for sustained success.

Learn how to craft compelling subject lines, develop persuasive messaging, and create sequences that build relationships and drive action.

Focus on the techniques that turn browsers into buyers. This module covers the essentials of sales psychology, structure, and calls-to-action.

Elevate your content with SEO best practices tailored for copywriters. Discover how to optimize your writing for search engines without sacrificing creativity, ensuring your work gets seen by the right eyes.

Learn the power of narrative in marketing. We delve into how to weave compelling stories that captivate your audience, differentiate your brand, and drive emotional connections.

Unlock the secrets to writing copy that engages and compels. This module lays the groundwork for understanding your audience and crafting messages that resonate, persuade, and convert.

The Copywriters Society Mastermind Program with a curated suite of six comprehensive modules, each designed to elevate your copywriting skills and propel your career forward.

A Peek at the Modules

What You'll Learn

Imagine where you could be a few months from now: confident in your skills, backed by a community of like-minded professionals, and equipped with a portfolio that opens doors. The Copywriters Society isn’t just a program—it’s your bridge to a career you’ve always aspired to.

Make the choice to invest in yourself, in your skills, and in your future. Join The Copywriters Society Mastermind Program today, and let’s start writing your success story together.

Don’t let another year pass wishing your copywriting career was different.

1 payment of

 Start your journey to copywriting excellence


2 payments of

Opt for flexibility with two payments of $1400


The Investment


My journey in copywriting has been one amazing ride, full of learning, connecting, and creating. I'm passionate about sharing this adventure with you. I believe in the magic that happens when the right words meet the right audience, and I'm here to help you discover that for yourself.

Let’s dive into this world together and turn your passion for writing into something truly spectacular.

Meet Gillian

At my core, I'm just someone who fell head over heels for the power of words and the incredible stories they can tell

Alex Thompson / Creative Copy Co.

"Gillian's mastermind transforms aspiring writers into copywriting powerhouses with unmatched clarity, creativity, and confidence."

You'll finish with a portfolio of work, a network of fellow copywriters, and the skills to attract and retain clients. Most importantly, you'll have the confidence to call yourself a professional copywriter and the tools to grow your business.

What outcomes can I expect after completing the program?

Participants will have access to a private online community for peer support, weekly Q&A sessions with Gillian, and personalized feedback on assignments. Our goal is to create an environment where every question is welcomed and every challenge is met with guidance and encouragement.

What kind of support can I expect during the program?

Absolutely! The program is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing participants to engage with the material and the community at a pace that suits their schedules. While commitment is key to making the most of the program, we understand the demands of balancing work, life, and learning.

Can I join if I'm working full-time?

The mastermind program is designed to be completed over 12 weeks, with each module structured to maximize learning and application. This timeframe allows for deep dives into each topic, hands-on projects, and community interaction to support your growth.

How long does the program last?

Beyond providing comprehensive modules on copywriting fundamentals and advanced techniques, The Copywriters Society offers a unique blend of expert-led learning, a supportive community, and real-world application.

What makes The Copywriters Society different from other courses?

This program is crafted for aspiring and intermediate copywriters who want to elevate their writing skills, understand the nuances of persuasive copy, and build a successful copywriting business.

Who is this mastermind program for?

We've Got the Answers

Have Questions?

last chance

Doors Close on March 1st




MEET Gillian

Gilian Barker is a Portland, Oregon based storyteller and copywriter.